Babylon 5: Thirdspace

BabylonThirdspace 1998 is a madefortelevision film that is part of the Babylonscience fiction universe. It was written by J. Michael Straczynski and directed by Jess Salvador Trevio.

The film deals with an enormous artifact that is discovered in hyperspace and towed to the Babylonstation for investigation. The xenoarchaeology corporation Interplanetary Expeditions sends a representative, Dr. Elizabeth Trent, to take control of the artifacts examination.The artifact begins to influence the dreams of many inhabitants of Babylon 5, eventually controlling many of them during their waking hours as well. These thralls, led by Deuce, first demand that the excavation be accelerated, and then become increasingly violent towards the rest of the Babylonpopulation. Dr. Trent conjectures that the artifact is a Jumpgate that takes one neither to normal space nor to hyperspace but to a third space hence the movies title. With the reluctant support of her colleague, they order the device to be turned on, without notifying Captain Sheridan. ........

Source: Wikipedia